Video Lessons that incorporate a launch monitor are valuable tools that support the style that visually-dominant learners alike. The academy uses CSwing analysis software and uses ultra-fast shutter and aperture speeds to give the student a clear picture of what is happening during the swing. Our launch monitor is the Foresight CG2 which captures a variety of club-fitting parameters and is very helpful in increasing distance through analytics.
Video/Launce Monitor Packages:
- Special Bonus Package: A one-hour session includes initial video and ball launch analysis, swing lesson and drill assignment, post-lesson video analysis for concrete analysis of corrections. $150
- Standard Video Package: 45 minute initial video and swing lesson. $90 (no monitor)
- Quick Look: Student has swing put two different clubs on video and is able to personally review the swings without instructor analysis. This is a great tool for those that want to confirm position, release, or finish. This is a 15-minute session, so it’s a good idea to be warmed up and ready to go when the session begins. $25
- Foresight GC2 Launch monitor will provide critical data such as club speed, ball speed, launch angle, spin rates, flight time, distance and roll, etc. This data is essential for the player who is working to understand all aspects of the golf game or looking to understand the relationship between their swing and their clubs. It’s also a great tool to make sure you have the proper equipment.
- 20-minute launch monitor session without video is $45.